Full Service Influencer Campaigns

Powerful Campaigns

influencer campaigns

Powerful influencer marketing campaigns require a strategic approach. Wear Cape specialises in high performance innovative influencer marketing campaigns that stand out from the rest. We’re experts at every stage of campaign deployment, from influencer sourcing and onboarding, to content optimisation and strategic boosting.

  • Strategy

  • Influencer onboarding

  • Influencer screening and integrity checks

  • Influencer negotiation

  • Influencer contracting

  • Influencer payments and tax handling

  • Creative briefing

  • Campaign scheduling

  • Content auditing

  • AiMCO and AANA compliance

  • Content boosting

  • Metrics, optimisation, and reporting

Our Channel Expertise

Influencer Channel Expertise

The key to engagement


We’re experts at Viral Marketing techniques, including building self enhancement and affinity motives into content to maximise motives to share and word-of-mouth.

This is part of our creative briefing process and is unique to Wear Cape.

The key to engagement is affinity

Talent sourcing and onboarding

Talent sourcing and onboarding

Australia’s Top Talent

Our talent team have developed relationships with many of Australia’s top talent. Wear Cape holds a database of talent, or we do custom searches for the perfect influencer tailored to the aims of the campaign and your brand’s personality.

Every influencer is validated, including fake follower checks, average engagement (organic and paid), audience profiling, audience demographics and geographical analysis, and past brand engagements.

Our advanced profiling technology enables us to find and validate almost anyone on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Hybrid Brand Activations

Hybrid brand activations involve creating and transferring buzz about your offline event, onto social media. It usually involves getting influencers to turn up to your event and record or stream content about the event through their social media channels.

Types of events suitable for Hybrid Brand Activations:

  • Festivals

  • Product Demonstrations

  • Trade show popups

  • Grand opening events

  • TV Commercials

  • Movie premieres

  • Special Guest Appearances

  • …and more

Inject Event Buzz into Social

Our team organises influencer onboarding/negotiation/briefing, strategy, planning, scheduling, itineraries and logistics.

Hybrid Brand Activation

Platform Partnerships & Expertise

TikTok Influencer Marketing

Services Plackard Instagram TikTok Marketing

YouTube Influencer Marketing

Services Plackard YouTube Influencer Marketing

Instagram Influencer Marketing

Services Plackard Instagram Influencer Marketing